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It is possible to limit the number of elements in the list: o MaxTokens — Specifies the highest number of items. The user is able to define its own validation rules by providing the external validation methods. The method has to decide if the specified value is against internal constraints. The example above checks if the value is greater than 3 and less than 0.

The next example will show how to constrain the complex value in such a way that the sum of its items must be less than In this mode the control provides two options for validation:. The user is able to define its own validation rules by providing an external validation through the SetUserTextValidation method, for example:. Code region private bool Valid string val, REX. The background and foreground of the REXEditBox may behave in two different ways when the control is disabled:.

When the REXEditBox is entered by the user it takes the current formatted string as a base for analysis. If user inputs string:.

Set the OriginalTextOnEnter property to true in order to return the original text with the formula. In WPF version it is possible to use the DoubleValue and ComplexDoubleValue to set and get the numerical value of the control for binding purpose mainly. Use the GetPropertiesType method in order to find out in which mode is the control at the moment. This method returns the result of the EComboPropertiesType type.

There are two modes available: - List — the current value was taken from the list. Items of the list may be validated in the same way as values input to the control. Set the ListValidation to true if you want to switch this option on. REXEditBox mode. The simplest way to do it is to change the TextBoxMode to true.

Generally controls should be formatted according display units, data should be stored in base units and all operation on Revit API has to be made in interface units. There is an additional object which helps managing controls. In order to use DFM for managing the control it is obligatory to register it in the system.

It is done by using the AddUnitObject method. During definition the user decides about the unit category and power of the specified control. It is also possible to define the key name which will be used for the control identification but it is not required the reference of the control may be used directly.

Code region ThisExtension. Values can be set to and read from the control in all unit types base, interface, display. GetDataInterface rexEditBox1 ;. DFM is based on the IUnitObject and it is possible to use it for any type of the control which implements this interface e. The interface was created based on the REXEditBox so please refer to it in case of doubts about required functionality.

They provide functionality of controls combined with the REX unit system. They are alternative solution for DFM. The controls are customized by following settings: UnitType Specifies the category of the unit.

Power Specifies the power of the control. It is obligatory to set it; otherwise the control will work as regular one. Code region rexUnitEditBox. UnitsBase; rexUnitEditBox. Revit ;. Text; engine. GetValue ;. If the user wants to use the REXEditControlEngine in his custom control, he can use provided mechanisms to synchronies the engine with the control. The only conditions that have to be satisfied are:.

The user has to remember about synchronization of properties of the control with properties of the engine. In case of events the control has to inform the engine about changes. For example when user enters the control, the StartEdit method should be called. The diagram underneath shows example of the control and the engine cooperation: 1. User launches extension 2. The control is created 3. User enters the control. The control starts the edition mode of the engine the StartEdit method.

The engine response by setting the background and text of the control through the IEditControl interface. User enters a text inside the control. The control sends information about text change to the engine through the TextChange method. The engine validates entered text and sets the background and the text in the control through the IEditControl interface User leaves the control. The control ends the edition mode of the engine the EndEdit method.

User finishes its work with the module. The module gets the current value of the control. The control gets the value which is stored inside the engine. In order to apply lower or upper index the Text property have to be input in the specific format: - In order to draw small letters it is necessary to place them in curly brackets:.

Image Represents the image source of the item. VisibleOnList Indicates whether the item should be visible on the list. If the item is not visible on the list it is still possible to select it directly from the code. Tooltip Represents the tooltip of the item. Add item ; rexImageComboBox1. Add "Simple text" ;. The unit system is metric. During getting data from API interfaces of Revit the data must be recalculated from interface units to base units.

During setting data to API interface of Revit the data must be recalculated from base units to interface units. During displaying value, data must be recalculated from basic units to user units. During getting data from dialogs, the units must be recalculated from user units to base units to obtain a correct formatting in Revit UI.

REX Engine and base classes provide support for unit handling. Application settings are used to set user units during start-up of module. Interface units are defined for different application context. REX units are divided into categories. Every category has definition which is based on unit group.

EUnitType enumeration list all type of unit available in Extension Framework and user could be used for internal calculation. Only based categories listed previously are supported in Revit with all behaviors listed below. Access to recalculation functions from the Extension class is following: System. This method will return value with unit name as text. Serialization can be provided for three types of objects Data class description.

This class is based on classes like Element. Code region public bool SaveToHost Autodesk. Element element, string name, object obj ; public bool SaveToHost Autodesk. Element Element, string Name, Stream Data ;. Code region public object LoadFromHost Autodesk. Element element, string name ; public bool LoadFromHost Autodesk. Additionally stores information in subobject about using it by current module. Code region public int SetHostId Autodesk.

Element HostElement, Autodesk. Element Element ;. File serialization REXSystem class is responsible for writing data on a file. These methods enable any implicit save to default file and to the file set as a parameter.

Handling progress window REX Framework provides common progress window. To work with many languages, appropriate directory tree is created according. NET rules. Files containing translated resources should be placed in subdirectories named as culture in. NET CultureName. Png image file linked with Extension. This file is created during module creation and put in module directory. This file is always launched after compilation.

User can choose which version will be used Debug or Release. This project set as start project in your solution will give you the ability to test your dialog based application without Revit. ContentGenerator is a component that provides tools for content management. It allows converting Revit families to REX basic types and the other way round. Advantages of the REX.

ContentGenerator: - Generation of Revit families. Before using of REX. Architecture Architecture of the REX. This object is a data container independent of any product. Classes ContentGenerator component. It is a base class for all classes which represents different types of content. There are 8 main categories in REX.

ContentGenerator: - Database sections - Parametric sections - Material. Properties - ElementType The type of the element beam, column etc. It is taken as a key for the identification process in a database when the element is not certified. It is taken as a key for the identification process in a database.

This type was created for mapping purpose. It is described by name and category of the element. Label represents any type of content. In the LabelFamilyDescription object can be placed element which is represented by the label for mapping mainly - to draw sections.

There are two defined converters inside REX. If set to false, there will be the same elements in the project but of different family names e. If false it will be analyzed each time. It doesn't have any data inside despite indentification and it can be used to take proper data from database. It has all data filled with some default values e. It should be called before the end of the converter usage.

Filters Filters are used for selecting these elements from a database which respect some additional constraints. It has to be consistent and common in all places code, configuration files, databases. ContentGenerator and new element is created by a T constructor. ContentGenerator iterates threw all properties of the class and gets or sets appropriate values. REXCustomDescription may have a flat structure all properties are defined directly in it :.

It can be also organized in more complex way with embedded objects which classes are derived from REXDescription:. The REX. ContentGenerator creates new FamilySymbols using rfa files. The idea is to prepare family which will be a template for families of the same type.

Templates can be prepared in a free way. The standard of REX. Identity parameter:. All identity data is stored inside this parameter and it has to be added. Otherwise the system will work incorrectly. This type will be loaded to the project and used as a pattern for the new element.

There are two configuration files which have to be prepared: - Parameters. Parameters Each parameter has to have provided definition. Otherwise it will be impossible to convert it in a correct way. The example of parameters file is presented below:.

If already created FamilySymbol has the same parameters which are identified by the template attribute as input one, then it can be taken as template and duplicated.

They are stored in the REX. Identity parameter. This attribute is also taken to consideration in Templates.

If already created FamilySymbol has the same parameters which are identified by the identity attribute as input one, then it is treated as the same one. Templates REX. ContentGenerator has to have defined relations between rfa files and custom types:.

Category Contains list of parameters defined for the specified category Attributes: name indicates the name of the custom category Family contains definition for the specified type Common attributes: file the template file rfa type the type name defined in rfa file. Template attributes indicates for what kind of element specific template is assigned.

This attributes are taken from Parameters. In the example above FootingType is a such parameter. Preparation of databases REX. ContentGenerator provides its own format of databases which can be used by a user. Units contains definition for units used in the specified database. At the moment following units can be used:. Families contains all types defined in the database.

Type describes specific type with all parameters characteristic for it. When all elements are prepared it is necessary to register custom factories in dedicated converters. CustomCategoryName, ".. Mapping The idea of mapping is to provide ability to map the element to a database element or a label defined by a user. The mapping system provides a dialog where user is able to define mapping relations.

ContentGenerator investigates a user file first. CloseMapControl Closes the control but not destroys it. ContentGenerator provides a dialog where a user is able to define mapping relations. In the first column there is a list of elements which are to be mapped. In the database column user defines how appropriate element should be mapped.

After clicking specific database element the selection dialog appears. Filters Elements can be filtered with three options: - All all elements are visible. Databases The set of databases which should be taken to consideration during mapping is presented on a special list. Databases can be added or deleted.

Menu File menu contains following options: - Open allows for opening the specified mapping file. Properties: - MaterialSettings Settings for the material category. Database explorer DContentGenerator module is an extension which is used as the database browser.

Contentgenerator component provides several classes to manage it in a simple way. Examples Get databases directory Example: Get directory of databases. Regular databases — databases which are installed with the product in AllUsers folder e. User databases — databases modified by the user located in the User folder e. It is possible to get the required section by defining them in the database description object:. GetFamily dbdesc, EElementType.

Each database section can be identified by the list of specific names. Additionally combinations of keys are taken to consideration e. Second: Generate list of Revit FamilySymbols based on the list obtained in the first step.

GetFamilies path, ECategoryType. In this case the whole list is built first and it is input into the GetElements function. A user is alerted about generation action by the EventElementGenerated.

The whole algorithm:. Close ; rvt. Close ;. Second: Generate the list of Revit FamilySymbols based on the list obtained in the first step.

There is no limitation for embedded filters. The most important is to remember that the constraint value has to be defined in base units and ParamName has to be the same as the name of the specific property in the current example there has to be used: NAME, H.

The second step can be done in two ways: One by one generation:. Get database records fitting a specific Revit element Example: Get a list of database records which fits to the specific Revit Element.

In the example below the list of selected elements is investigated. For each element the adequate list of database records is found:. Beam famInstance. Brace famInstance. In the example above the whole directory is searched and the result contains the list of records from different databases. If a user wants to stop the algorithm when the first record is detected it is enough to set appropriate flag in the REXFamilyConverter object:. Get a family symbol based on a parametric description Example: Get a Revit FamilySymbol based on a parametric description of the section for the known type.

BEAM; paramSection. RECT; paramSection. The CalculataMainAxisAndCharacteristics function calculates all section characteristics based on applied dimensions moment of inertia, cross-sectional area etc. If a user wants to define a tapered section with different dimensions on ends it is enough to set a Tapered flag and define parameters in DimensionsEnd. Get a parametric section based on a family instance Example: Get a parametric section based on a family instance.

It is enough to use the GetFamily function to get the parametric description of the section: Code region. In the above example there is iteration threw selected elements. Only beams, bracings and columns are taken to consideration. It is important to remember that in case of not certified elements the FamilyInstance should be put into the GetFamily function due to the geometry analysis which is made on elements solids. The additional question which can appear is how to distinguish certified database section.

In case of parametric section investigation it will be treated as not certified element. Document ; foreach Element el in filterCollector. GetCertifiedCategoryOfElement el ;. Get Family Symbol based on the parametric description Example: Get the Revit FamilySymbol based on the parametric description of the section for unknown type — contour based. StartContour 0, 0 ; paramSection. LineTo 0. LineTo 0, 0 ; paramSection. If a user wants section to be defined in main axis he will have to calculate main characteristics and modify contour dimensions:.

Translate - paramSection. It is important to remember that vpy, vpz is the extreme distance from the local axis of the point on the negative side of the axis.

LineTo 0, 0. StartContour 0. StartContour 1, 0 ; paramSection. LineTo 1. LineTo 1, 0. LineTo 1, 0 ;. The most important thing is to remember about closing each contour with start point This indicates the end of the contour definition.

The column NAME is treated as a key for material databases. It is possible to get the required material by defining it in the database description object:. Database records fitting Revit material Example: Get the list of database records which fits to the specified Revit material. GetFamily material, ECategoryType. In the example below the list of materials defined in the project is investigated.

For each material the adequate list of database records is found:. OfClass typeof Material. ToElements ;. GetFamily el ;. In the example above all directory is searched and the result contains list of records from different databases.

If a user want to stop algorithm if any record is been detected it is enough to set appropriate flag in the REXFamilyConverter object:. The main goal of content mapping is to provide a mechanism to define relations between uncertified elements in Revit and certified which come from databases or other source.

Before launching the dialog there has to be made customization of the dialog in the DialogSettings object. In the example below elements of section category is mapped. In the first step common settings have to be set:. In the example above there are set following features: - The dialog should alert in case not all elements were mapped CheckIfAllMappedBeforeLeave - The dialog should have the caption with the specified title. OfClass typeof FamilySymbol. Add obj ; rvt. Add "Rcatpro" ;.

First of all user has to define whether the specified category should be visible Visible. Than the collection of mapped elements has to be filled Elements. There can be certified families among input elements. It is possible to skip them by setting the MapCertifiedFamilies to false. If REX. There are also some settings connected to databases: - List of start databases Databases - If it is possible to add databases from the Dialog AllowToAddDatabases - If databases which are loaded with the specifsied map file opened from the dialog should be automatically added to the current database list AddMappedDatabases.

LaunchMapDialog ref cont ;. Note that the mapped element will be also returned by the GetFamily method if the current element is not certified RVTFamilyConverter checks certification first, second mapping, in the end additional actions are taken for not certified elements: e.

CommandData , true ;. ActiveDocument ;. Except databases it is possible to define labels which can represent any element of the specified type. This element will appear in the selection list and a user will be able to map the Revit element to this label:. CommandData , true ; rvt.

Add label1 ; rvt. Add label2 ;. SetMapElement true, Element rvt. Elements[0], label1, ECategoryType. Elements[1], label2, ECategoryType. Labels shows as an additional database which name has to be defined in the LabelCategoryName. Before launching the dialog two first elements in the project are assigned to labels by SetMapElement function to have it on the start as defaults. It is important to remember that the Mapping dialog is a REXExtension module so it needs context defined it should be taken from current extension.

The main mapping dialog. The mapping system in a REX context works in the same way as in a Revit context. The example shows how it can be used in case of mapping between two databases Rcatpro and Aiscpro with additional labels added:.

GetFamilies rex. Add dbSectForMap ;. AddLabel dbSectForChoose ;. All procedure is similar to one described in the previous example. Thanks to this programmer is able to use it for its own purposes unknown elements for REX. It is enough to define all settings see previous examples and call the CreateMapControl method. To apply changes made in the control the user calls the ApplyMapControl, to refresh it when some settings have been changed the user calls the RefreshMapControl, to close it the user calls the CloseMapControl.

CreateMapControl ref context ;. The example below shows how to use it as a database explorer working due to REX RegionalSettings in the multi selection mode.

Context ;. MultiSelection; settings. Clear ; settings. ShowContentDialog settings, ThisExtension. GetWindowForParent ;. Logging in By logging into your account, you agree to our Privacy Policy , personal data processing and storage practices as described therein.

Remember me. Log in. Forgot password or user name? How to I push a modified Revit. Posts Latest Activity Photos. Page of 3. Filtered by:. Previous 1 2 3 template Next. April 18, , PM. Wow, thats odd. I cant say im surprised, but it didnt do that when i tried it here.

Comment Post Cancel. Gordon Price. Originally posted by DaveP View Post. Or did I screw something up? P ragmatic Pra x is. Originally posted by Twiceroadsfool View Post.

Originally posted by Gordon Price View Post. September 14, , PM. This is the exact issue I am having. What else could I be missing? It could be that some of these things are considered "user" and thus not pushed by their update workflow, while things like paths to family files are considered appropriate for this. Add the fact that you can only update once I think, and the whole Update approach breaks down pretty quickly.

It may be worth testing a change in library path, just to verify THAT is working. But not on a production machine obviously. September 19, , AM. I'm having the same problem with Revit. September 19, , PM.



Solved: download default Revit templates (family and project) and content - Autodesk Community.How to I push a modified file out to my users? - Revit Forum


Depending on the current drawing units, the New Family - Select Template File dialog displays the available imperial or metric family templates that are installed in a subfolder of this location:. The template preview image displays in the upper right corner of the dialog.

The new family opens in the Family Editor. For most families, 2 or more dashed green lines display. These are reference planes, or the working planes that you will use when you create the family geometry. If you are creating a host-based family, host geometry may also display. The family views vary depending on the type of family that you create. If necessary, you can create additional views by duplicating and renaming existing views.

Note: Do not save the family to a location where others can access it until you complete and test the family. Roof-based Use the roof-based template for components that will be inserted into roofs.

Some roof components include openings, so that when you place the component on a roof, it cuts an opening in the roof. Examples of roof-based families include skylights and roof fans. Standalone Use the standalone template for components that are not host-dependent. A standalone component can be placed anywhere in a model and can be dimensioned to other standalone or host-based components.

Examples of standalone families include furniture, appliances, duct, and fittings. Adaptive Use this template to create components that need to flexibly adapt to many unique contextual conditions.

For example, adaptive components could be used in repeating systems generated by arraying multiple components that conform to user-defined constraints. When you select an adaptive template, you are creating a massing family using a special family editor in the Conceptual Design Environment.

Line-based Use the line-based templates to create detail and model families that use 2-pick placement. Face-based Use the face-based template to create work plane-based families that can modify their hosts.

Families created from the template can make complex cuts in hosts. Instances of these families can be placed on any surface, regardless of its orientation. Specialty Use a specialty template when the family requires unique interaction with the model.

These family templates are specific to only one type of family. Deciding Which Template to Use Don't limit your selection of a family template by category. To create a Select from the following template types Parent topic: Creating Loadable Families. Related Tasks Create a Family from a Template. Use the wall-based templates to create components that will be inserted into walls.

Use the ceiling-based templates to create components that will be inserted into ceilings. Use the floor-based template for components that will be inserted into floors. Use the roof-based template for components that will be inserted into roofs. Use the standalone template for components that are not host-dependent. Use this template to create components that need to flexibly adapt to many unique contextual conditions.


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